Battling against IBS symptoms - Lauren's story

Battling against IBS symptoms - Lauren's story

Can you tell us what made you consider taking a gut microbiome test?

Lauren: In my mid 20's I started to get a few symptoms like bloating, gas, constipation, sometimes even diarrhoea, and also started to feel really lethargic on most days. I've never been diagnosed with IBS, but just by doing my own research, the symptoms I had were really common symptoms of IBS and got worse after having my second child.

There are a lot of different diets that claim to help with IBS, but the only thing that I could find that seemed to tackle the route cause of IBS seemed to be a gut microbiome test with a personalised diet and supplement plan.

What kind of symptoms were you dealing with before the test?

Lauren: It was mostly bloating, gas, constipation, irregular bowel movements, tiredness, pretty much all the common symptoms of IBS. What I found strange was how the symptoms started to occur in my mid 20's without me changing my diet or doing anything different.

How did you find the process of taking the test?

Lauren: It was easy, I just sent my sample back and got the results in a couple of weeks. The report explained exactly what was happening with my gut and gave recommendations based on that.

What did the test results reveal, and how did you use that information?

Lauren: My results showed that my gut diversity was quite low, and also managed to identify that my IBS risk was quite high which would explain why all of the symptoms I was experiencing seemed to point back to IBS. I immediately started to stick to the diet and supplement recommendations that were given to me.

How soon did you notice any changes?

Lauren: I noticed a change with symptoms I was experiencing on a daily basis almost right away. Bloating, gas and my bowel habits changed first. I also noticed around 1 week into the plan that I wasn't feeling lethargic and tired after lunch or dinner.

How has this affected your daily life now?

Lauren: I feel much better, and I have more energy. I’m not constantly worrying about my stomach, which is great when you have two kids to look after!

What would you say to others dealing with IBS?

Lauren: I feel like it's so hard to get IBS symptoms taken seriously, especially on the NHS. I went for numerous appointments with my Doctor but was always prescribed things like laxatives, buscopan and things that do absolutely nothing to get to the route cause. It's absolutely worth every penny paying for a test that gives you the answers, instead of trying different things for months and in my case a couple of years.


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